Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy 21st!!

A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my "baby" sister Heather... she turns 21 today! I can't believe it!! It seems like just yesterday my mother was waking me up to say she was on her way to the hospital (one month early) to have the baby. Here we are 21 years Heather was the best thing to have happened to me in my 11 years of was like having a real life doll and I wanted to do EVERYTHING for the baby...guess it was good practice!

This is a picture of Heather and I on her 3rd birthday (8/9/90). Funny that she is the same age here as Matthew...makes me feel old that my own child is the age I so clearly remember Heather being...
Heather-you're the best sister anyone could ask for (except for me of course...hahahaha). Thank you for all your help this summer and for 21 years of making me smile. You are a fantastic Aunt and both of the boys are lucky to have you. Now go get us some Margaritas!!!!:)


Mom of 3 Boys said...

happy bday heather

and i like seeing curly haired keena too.

Heather said...

Thanks! Love you!

Ryan and Jenn said...

YEA!!! Happy Birthday Heather.