Reality is starting to set in:( Matthew got a new truck today and couldn't wait to show Aunt Heather...it made me sad since that won't happen for another 7 weeks!!
My sister who had been living with us during her summer break from college, returned to school this past Sunday. It's only been 3 days and we miss her like crazy. I think she should change her career path and just be a Stay-At-Home Aunt!!
All kidding aside, Heather was a HUGE help to us this summer. The transition from 1 kiddo to 2 would not have been so smooth without her. I'm very lucky to have her for a sister!
Heath-There is a truck her that can't wait to meet you and 2 little boys that are counting down the days until your October break...oh and me too:)
I'm super excited to meet this truck.
umm, if heather needs a job, i have a spare bedroom and 2 boys too!
AND...if you really need a job, I have a big yellow dog that would love to be ALL over you! We miss you too!
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