Matthew has really surprised us with how well he has adjusted from only child to oldest child...I was especially worried about how that was going to go. We are super fortunate that he loves "his baby" so much and isn't showing any signs of jealousy. We are at a definite advantage right now with my sister living here for the summer (while home from college) as it provides Luke with the best child care anyone could ask for so we can spend alone time with Matthew and I think that this is really helping him adjust. Hopefully this won't change in 3 weeks when Heather heads back to school:(
So as a special reward for being such a great Big Brother, Jeff and I took Matthew to his first Fisher Cats game on Wednesday night. We all had a blast and the best part was it was free foam finger night...I mean really, is there anything better than your 3 year old sticking a foam finger in your face all night?? While we had fun with just Matthew, we are definitely looking forward to taking both our boys in the future:)

1 comment:
very cute, matthew :)
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