Monday, December 22, 2008

All I Want For Christmas....

is an "Animal Big Rig"
This truck and picture of it are now legendary in the Corriveau household. It all started a few months ago when Matthew saw this toy in a catalog. Since then this picture has spent time hanging on our fridge, spending the night on Matthew's nightstand and being shown to anyone and everyone who sets foot in this house. Matthew wants this truck like crazy!!! He is totally obsessed with it and talks about it several times a day. Since he has SO MANY trucks I told him to ask Santa for it, Mommy would NOT be buying more trucks. Not only did he brave the big, bad Santa at the mall to tell him to bring this, he has now written him 2 letters and done (or not done) pretty much everything I ask him to do (boy, I'll miss that!). Everyday I get questions like; "do you think Santa is putting my animal big rig in his sleigh" or "do you think my animal big rig is in Santa's bag" or "do you think Santa is done making my animal big rig"...the new one today was "do you think if Santa has an extra animal big rig, he'll leave it for Daddy"...not sure Daddy has been good enough for a toy like that!!;)
Cute, right? I think so BUT here is the big problemo....this is the ONLY thing he wants. He keeps saying he only needs 1 present....boy, this could have been a really cheap Christmas!! My fear is if we give it to him first, he will not want to open anything else. If we save it for last, I worry that he will be disappointed with every other present he opens.
If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment...
On the bright side, I cannot wait to see the look on his face when he opens this!!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

1 Day, 2 VERY Different Occasions...

December 20th means 2 very different things for my family.

First, the good...
We hope you have a great day and can't wait to see you on Wednesday:) Thanks for being such an awesome Sister-In-Law, Aunt and Friend. Thanks for giving us a reason to like Ryan and enjoy having him around...hahahaha!! We love you, you're the best:)

Second, the not so good,

On December 20, 1990 my Mom lost her battle with breast cancer. Although there still isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her, she is especially on my mind today. I've lived over half my life without her but in the time that she was here she most definitely shaped the person I am and the mother I am. She was a fantastic Mom and I am so grateful for the 14 years I had with her.

This has always been one of my favorite pictures. For those of you who have only know m since college, note the hair:)

It is strange that my brother's wife was born on the same date my mother died...out of all the days of the year...this one??!! I can't help but wonder if my mother sent us the gift of having something to be happy about and smile for on a day that is so sad for us. Celebrating Jenn's bday certainly makes this day easier to deal with:)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

This is the Polar Express!!

Hahaha...I love that line, makes me think of Tom Hanks!!

We went down to Newpburyport yesterday to ride the Polar Express with the boys, Jeff's parents, sister and our niece. We had a great time! Matthew really enjoyed the ride and hearing the story. I think his favorite part though was getting to wear his pajamas out of the house! Enjoy the pics...

Waiting for his turn to give Santa his letter

Friday, December 5, 2008


I took the boys to see Santa today while we were at the mall. I wasn't sure how this would go over with Matthew. When we were in FL back in February he loved the characters. More recently though, he hasn't liked them. He is very into Santa this year, way more than in years past, and wanted to meet him so I figured we'd give it a try. Plus, he REALLY wants this one truck that I keep telling him he has to ask Santa for because Mom thinks we have enough trucks and isn't going to buy anymore.

First we circled Santa to make sure that Matthew did, in fact, WANT to meet him. Yes, he did so we got in line. When it was our turn Matthew marched right up to him and said, in no uncertain terms, "I want a big rig with animals!!" Then, he turned and started to walk off! Too funny...guess he didn't get the memo about the photo op!! :) Mom would have liked to hear something more along the lines of "please may I have a big rig with animals" but since she has an in with Santa, things will probably still work out in Matthew's favor.

Luke, our little laid back munchkin...smiled the whole time...just happy to be along for the ride! are the boys with Santa for the first time. Enjoy our ridiculously expensive photo!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Survey

Welcome to the Christmas Edition of Getting To Know Your Family and Friends!

You know the drill. Get to bloggin'.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping...not a fan of the bags!
2. Real tree or Artificial? REAL!! I loathe artificial trees.
3. When do you put up the tree? When I can get everyone together...we enjoy decorating with Ryan, Jenn and Heather.
4. When do you take the tree down? New Year's Day.
5. Do you like eggnog? Love it! Jeff surprised us with soy egg nog this year so Matty can finally sample it and I can have some and not worry about Luke's tummy and the best part is, it taste exactly the same.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Cabbage Patch Kid Preemie.
7. Hardest person to buy for? Jeff's grandparents.
8.Easiest person to buy for? my sister, Jenn, Jeff, & Matthew.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? yes, need something to reflect what Christmas is actually about. 10. Mail or email Christmas cards? mail, emailed Christmas cards are the worst!
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I got lamps when I was 10...seriously!! Sorry up there Nanny Couser...I would enjoy that now but not so much at 10!
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? The Christmas Story, although Christmas Vacation is a close 2nd.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I try to get some things before Tgiving but usually right after...I love Cyber Monday!!:)
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Ummm, yeah...but I plead the 5th as to what!. 15.Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Judy's Jenny cookies and Sara's thin mint ritz. Yum:)
16. Lights on the tree? white
17. Favorite Christmas song? Fun=Rudolph, Jingle Bell Rock Serious=Hark! The Herald, Little Drummer Boy.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? stay home...our new rule since having kids
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Absolutely...Jeff finds it a bit scary!
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? angel but still looking for the perfect one.
21. Presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas Morning.
22.Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Crowds
23. Favorite Ornament theme or color? No theme or I guess the theme is ornaments that we collected as we grew up, nothing fancy, just ones that bring back memories.
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Prime Mom always did meat fondue on Christmas Eve...that was the best and I miss it.
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? I really just want to see Matthew's face when he opens the animal big rig he wants wee wee, wee wee, bab-lee:) Outside of that...a front old and married am I?? Yikes. I'm not holding my breath though!!

Thanks Lorraine:)
Who's Up? Heather? Jenn? Angela?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Day...or should I say weekend??

We had a great Thanksgiving! We left Thursday morning and headed to Laconia for the day. Had a nice meal and visit with Jeff's family. We left that evening and drove up to my brother's house in Lebanon to celebrate Thanksgiving on Friday and spent the rest of the weekend visiting with my family and helping my brother do some work on his house. Matthew had been asking to see where Uncle Ryan and Aunt Jenn we suckered Ryan into giving Matthew a tour of the hospital and we were able to meet Jenn for lunch while we were there. We really enjoyed having Aunt Heathy home for a whole week and can't wait to have her home for Christmas!!! The Corriveaus are very thankful for their awesome family and having everyone close by again:)

Matthew and Luke in their matching shirts (picked out by Matthew)

Luke ready for the feast at the Johnsons (notice his bib)!


The real highlight of the weekend for BOTH boys was terrorizing Sadie...poor dog! She's such a good sport though and her Mom and Dad don't mind since it tires her out!!!

The Gang

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hero Worship

I think it is safe to say that Luke is suffering from a case of Hero Worship. He is ALWAYS watching his big brother no matter what else is going on. I love it!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Best Thing About The Rain Is...

Getting to see Matthew in this get-up!!! Too funny:) Makes today's weather a little more tolerable!!!

It wouldn't be right to live in New England and not post some pictures of us raking leaves...and by us, I mean mostly Jeff...maybe Matthew but certainly not me

When it comes to raking, I agree with Luke!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ten Years Ago I....

1.) Was working for Enterprise Rent-A-Car.
2.) Was living in Portsmouth with Nicci.
3.) Was not driving a gas guzzler.
4.) Only drank beer.
5.) Got to sleep in past 7am.

1.) Go to Recycling Center
2.) Make an apt to get my hair cut
3.) Clean the bathrooms
4.) Pay bills
5.) Clean out Luke's 0-3 month clothes

1.) Buy a new car.
2.) Put in a pool.
3.) Help my Dad retire.
4.) Give $ to Ry and Heath to pay down education loans
5.) Travel more.

1.) Lebanon, NH
2.) Durham, NH
3.) Gonic, NH
4.) Belmont, NH
5.) Wells, ME

1.) Waitress at Weathervane
2.) Management Trainee for ERAC
3.) Salesperson for NECs
4.) Claims Processor
5.) Resolution Analyst

Who's next...Jenn? Heather?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm back!!

So I've been having some serious issues with my hasn't let me log into my Blog account for almost a month now. I think I may have resolved this, we'll see!! If there are no posts again for awhile, you'll know it's not REALLY fixed!!!
I think the only big thing that's happened is since my last post was Halloween. Here are some pics starting with Matthew's school party. Matthew desperately wanted to be a tow truck driver despite my attempts to sway him in a different direction! Luke wasn't much into Halloween...maybe next year:)

Luke is growing fast! He had his 4 month check-up on Monday...he weighs in at 16.1 pounds (60th percentile) and measures 26 inches (75th percentile). Luke was a trooper when it came time for his shots. I found it interesting that even the nurse could see how nervous Matthew was though...a good sign, I'd say, that he was so concerned for his little brother!

It's getting easier and easier to make Luke laugh and is the best sound in the world! He's a great baby and loves his big brother so much. They make so many toys to encourage babies to enjoy tummy time...with Luke all we have to do is point him toward Matthew, that's all he needs to be persuaded to keep his head up! So hopefully all computer issues are resolved and the blog will be updated again soon!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Some Things...

FINALLY resolved my USB issues!! Here are some of the pictures that have been living in my camera...

Some things Matthew has been doing;

Apple Picking with the Playgroup

What do you think they're talking about??

Apple Picking with Matthew's School;

Doing the Coppel House Corn Maze with Matthew's School;

Some things Luke has been doing...

He's LOVING the bath...seems to be our water baby (we all know Matthew's not!).

Made a successful transition to the crib.

Holding his head up well enough to face out in the front pack!

Some More Apple Picking at Applecrest Pics...

These next 3 are the epitome of "Like Father, Like Son"...

Most likely the last Wells picture from this year:(

Monday, October 6, 2008

Apple Picking

I've been a bad blogger lately...part of the problem is that the usb cord to my camera is broken so I can't download any pictures. I ordered a new one but can't seem to get it to work either:( So no pictures for a bit until I can get things figured out. Too bad because I have some great shots living in my camera of Matthew apple picking with his school and playgroup as well as some of Luke sleeping in his crib (we finally gave up the search for the bolts and just bought some new ones). Oh well...guess it's time to head to the photo kiosk and do things the "old fashion" way:)

We went apple picking this weekend with my brother Ryan and his wife Jenn. We had a great time...the highlight for Matthew was the tractor ride and donut treat. The highlight for Luke was, hmmm, well...maybe the gigantic pumpkins? Hard to say since he slept through everything else (as usual)! Here are some pictures courtesy of Jenn...

The highlight for me was when Matthew put an apple in front of each eye and yelled "apple eyes"!!! Too funny:)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


As you can see Luke has already outgrown the bassinet! I can't believe how big he is makes me a little sad that our baby is growing up so fast:( But, I love that he is smiling and interacting with us so much. Soon he'll be laughing (he's so close) and I can't wait for that!

Now if only we could find those crib bolts....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More beach pics...

Is there such a thing as too many pics of my boys at the beach?? I don't think so:)
Another great weekend in Wells. Matthew played Bocce for the first time...he mostly just wanted to throw the white ball (for those of you who know how to play, you know that the game doesn't work so well when the white ball keeps moving around!). Luke, as usual, enjoyed napping on the beach...not very exciting but he sure looks cute doing it:)

How about this lapful of boys??