Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm back!!

So I've been having some serious issues with my hasn't let me log into my Blog account for almost a month now. I think I may have resolved this, we'll see!! If there are no posts again for awhile, you'll know it's not REALLY fixed!!!
I think the only big thing that's happened is since my last post was Halloween. Here are some pics starting with Matthew's school party. Matthew desperately wanted to be a tow truck driver despite my attempts to sway him in a different direction! Luke wasn't much into Halloween...maybe next year:)

Luke is growing fast! He had his 4 month check-up on Monday...he weighs in at 16.1 pounds (60th percentile) and measures 26 inches (75th percentile). Luke was a trooper when it came time for his shots. I found it interesting that even the nurse could see how nervous Matthew was though...a good sign, I'd say, that he was so concerned for his little brother!

It's getting easier and easier to make Luke laugh and is the best sound in the world! He's a great baby and loves his big brother so much. They make so many toys to encourage babies to enjoy tummy time...with Luke all we have to do is point him toward Matthew, that's all he needs to be persuaded to keep his head up! So hopefully all computer issues are resolved and the blog will be updated again soon!

1 comment:

Mom of 3 Boys said...

nice to see you back.
thanks for having us over!