is an "Animal Big Rig"
This truck and picture of it are now legendary in the Corriveau household. It all started a few months ago when Matthew saw this toy in a catalog. Since then this picture has spent time hanging on our fridge, spending the night on Matthew's nightstand and being shown to anyone and everyone who sets foot in this house. Matthew wants this truck like crazy!!! He is totally obsessed with it and talks about it several times a day. Since he has SO MANY trucks I told him to ask Santa for it, Mommy would NOT be buying more trucks. Not only did he brave the big, bad Santa at the mall to tell him to bring this, he has now written him 2 letters and done (or not done) pretty much everything I ask him to do (boy, I'll miss that!). Everyday I get questions like; "do you think Santa is putting my animal big rig in his sleigh" or "do you think my animal big rig is in Santa's bag" or "do you think Santa is done making my animal big rig"...the new one today was "do you think if Santa has an extra animal big rig, he'll leave it for Daddy"...not sure Daddy has been good enough for a toy like that!!;)
Cute, right? I think so BUT here is the big problemo....this is the ONLY thing he wants. He keeps saying he only needs 1 present....boy, this could have been a really cheap Christmas!! My fear is if we give it to him first, he will not want to open anything else. If we save it for last, I worry that he will be disappointed with every other present he opens.
If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment...
On the bright side, I cannot wait to see the look on his face when he opens this!!!!!
1 comment:
i think you should give it to him first...like not even wrap it so he sees it right away as he walks into your great room. but jeff needs to be already in there taping it b/c you will never catch it on camera.
we will not wrap ajs bike ... obviously anyway of course but that is what he really wanted. oh yeah paf wants a bike now too. umm how about a scooter, buddy?
my boys cant wait to play w the new bigrig ;)
have a very very merry christmas!!!
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