Some things Matthew has been doing;
Apple Picking with the Playgroup

What do you think they're talking about??
Apple Picking with Matthew's School;

Doing the Coppel House Corn Maze with Matthew's School;

Some things Luke has been doing...
He's LOVING the bath...seems to be our water baby (we all know Matthew's not!).
Made a successful transition to the crib.
Holding his head up well enough to face out in the front pack!
Some More Apple Picking at Applecrest Pics...
These next 3 are the epitome of "Like Father, Like Son"...

Everyone looks so big...and cute! I can't wait to see you guys this weekend.
And Emily says that you and Jeff did a good job producing cute kids, and it's probably a good thing you're not having more because lighting doesn't hit 3 times :)
Love them. You make having kids look fun and easy. It almost makes me want to have them too!
nice catch up on the past few weeks :)
i look at luke and cant believe i will have one in a few months. ha
Lorraine-you mean that he's so cute you can't wait to have yours, right?? Not, look how much work they are, I can't believe I have to do it all over again??!!
Jenn-I find moments that I'm frantic and pulling my hair out don't make the best photo ops!!:) Yes, yes, have babies...M&L want to PLAY with their cousins, not bsit them!!!
Great pictures :) I missed going to the corn maze with the preschool this year. One of my favorite field trips!
hmm keena....getting up in middle of the night to crying baby but a new little buddy to sleep on me and be cute ;)
maybe a little bit of both.
oh just saw something cute...elmos restaurant. maybe that is for luke from santa
It's so great to be able to see your family and what you've been doing. YOur blog is great! Both boys are really growing, I'm surprised how much and how fast.
Take care and be sure to vote! (for Obama)
pretty stale over here!!!!
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