Friday, December 5, 2008


I took the boys to see Santa today while we were at the mall. I wasn't sure how this would go over with Matthew. When we were in FL back in February he loved the characters. More recently though, he hasn't liked them. He is very into Santa this year, way more than in years past, and wanted to meet him so I figured we'd give it a try. Plus, he REALLY wants this one truck that I keep telling him he has to ask Santa for because Mom thinks we have enough trucks and isn't going to buy anymore.

First we circled Santa to make sure that Matthew did, in fact, WANT to meet him. Yes, he did so we got in line. When it was our turn Matthew marched right up to him and said, in no uncertain terms, "I want a big rig with animals!!" Then, he turned and started to walk off! Too funny...guess he didn't get the memo about the photo op!! :) Mom would have liked to hear something more along the lines of "please may I have a big rig with animals" but since she has an in with Santa, things will probably still work out in Matthew's favor.

Luke, our little laid back munchkin...smiled the whole time...just happy to be along for the ride! are the boys with Santa for the first time. Enjoy our ridiculously expensive photo!


Mom of 3 Boys said...

very cute.

Sarah said...

Very cute!!

Ryan and Jenn said...

OH MY!!!!! I can't believe how happy Matthew looks. I wish that I could have see this. Adorable.

Linda Shirley Couser said...

Darling boys and a happy Santa, too. The pics are expensive but worth it years later.