Wednesday, September 17, 2008


As you can see Luke has already outgrown the bassinet! I can't believe how big he is makes me a little sad that our baby is growing up so fast:( But, I love that he is smiling and interacting with us so much. Soon he'll be laughing (he's so close) and I can't wait for that!

Now if only we could find those crib bolts....


Mom of 3 Boys said...

i hope you find the bolts!!!

Heather said...

I ate your crib bolts. But seriously, that kid needs to stop growing.

Ryan and Jenn said...

At this rate, you may just want to go straight for the big boy bed:)

The Wheeler Family said...

I'm with Ryan and Jenn...skip the whole crib thing and head straight for the bed. Throw some safety rails on there and you'll be all set. :)

LeeAnn said...

What in the heck are crib bolts? Dont be sad that your kiddies are growing up.. You can just have a thrid like Lorriane! hahahahhah

Katie said...

wow he is getting so big!
he is so handsome. this is the cutest age ever.

Sarah said...

He is getting so big! They grow too fast!!