Thursday, September 4, 2008

Matthew First Day!

Our Baby is all grown up:(
Today was Matthew first day of preschool. Wasn't sure how the drop off was going to go but to my great surprise and relief Matthew was a tears, no pouty lip, nothing! Mommy was another story but was able to keep it together around him! He was definitely a little nervous but was ready for the challenge:) Can't wait to go pick him up and hear all about his morning!!


Heather said...

Awwww...I can't believe it. I'm glad he did okay.

Sarah said...

Yay Matthew!! I can't tell you how much I miss having my kids in that school :( I wish my Ben were still there this year.

Mom of 3 Boys said...

i bet matthew had a great day and met new buddies :)

The Wheeler Family said...

Great job, Matthew!! And great job to you, too, Keena. :) I know how hard it can be to drop your "baby" off for the first day of school.

Ryan and Jenn said...

Aww so cute! I am crying and I am not even there. He can't be in school already:( So proud of my big boy.