Big excitement at our house this morning!
As anyone who has met Matthew knows he is a big, BIG, fan of trucks...out of nowhere this morning comes the sound of a truck...the sound of course stops Matthew dead in his tracks...what could it be...the fuel truck possibly? Nope...even better...our neighbors received a delivery of stone and since their driveway is long, narrow and dirt the flat bed was forced to park right, smack in front of our house!! On top of that, there was a forklift that took all the pallets off the truck and drove them up the their driveway.
Being the nice Mom I am, I let Matthew eat his breakfast in front of the window so he could ooh and ahh at the forklift and truck and we could still make it out of the house on time.

As much as I enjoyed watching Matthew be so excited and so into the truck, my heart just melted when he asked me if I thought Luke would like to see the truck too! Well, of course Luke would want to see the truck:) So, I put Luke in the bouncy seat so he could see too...

I couldn't help but laugh when I overheard Matthew telling Luke not to be afraid of the noise, it was "just a truck, it's really cool and won't hurt you"!!!! I love having two boys:)