Sunday, May 3, 2009

'Tis the Season...

So get ready...the cottage is open again so we all know what that means...every post will contain pictures of us in Maine...hahaha. At least until June:( Jeff went over early on Saturday to get a head start on the work that needs to be done is the downstairs bathroom. The boys and I met him there around lunchtime and to our (very pleasant) surprise it was REALLY nice out on the beach. Matthew was able to dig and play in the sand. He even braved the ocean and went in up to his knees!

Today wasn't quite as nice but still decent enough to be outside and both boys experienced something for the first time...

Matthew and Fishing: The four of us went over to the harbor first thing this morning to take Matthew fishing for the first time. As much as we tried to prepare him, he was disappointed that he didn't catch anything. Maybe it was the location? Maybe the bait? But, I suspect he may have had better luck with a different fishing buddy!!:) Jeff...not too knowledgeable in that department...but since fishing is something he would really like to do with the boys, I think we'll see him improve. He did catch something though...seaweed!!!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!:)

Luke and Playing in the Sand: Since Luke was a newborn last summer and then napped through the nice weather yesterday, today was actually his first time being down in the sand and playing. He had so much fun and was not at all deterred by the feel of sand nor being covered in it. We also quickly learned that he didn't mind the taste of it either!!! But, we were able to keep him from eating it by letting him have the pacifier. His favorite was smashing the castles that Jeff made for him.

Aside from spending the weekend at the cottage and having fun with the boys, I also took a side trip to Boston with my sister. Heather drove 14 hours home and back to go to Spring Awakening with me. I really enjoyed the show (btw, it was fantastic) but I enjoyed spending alone time with my baby sister even more!!:)


Mom of 3 Boys said...

love the pics

The Wheeler Family said...

I love all of your Maine pics!! How awesome to be on the beach again. The boys look like they had a blast!

Heather said...

So cute.
I had fun this weekend.

LeeAnn said...

I love the pictures!! The one of you and the little one looking for shells is great!