Luke is officially 6 months old today. I can't believe how fast time has gone by! Sometimes it feels like we just had him yesterday and sometimes it feels that he has been here forever. I was truly amazed by how Luke just fit right into our family from his very first breath on. Luke is the best!! I love watching him interact with his brother and I'm not sure there is a happier baby out there. His laughter is the best sound in the world and the I'm enjoying watching him grow and change. Luke has brought a completeness to my life and I thank God for him every moment of everyday.

July 8, 2008
January 8, 2009
We didn't think Luke's half birthday would be complete without a whole mess of shots so lucky for him, he also got to go to the doctor for his check-up this afternoon! Haha. Not a fan of the shots but was given a clean bill of health and for those of you wondering how he measures up, here are the stats...he weighs in at 16 lbs 15 ozs (29th percentile) and is 27.5" (76th percentile). He is sitting up on his own and loving putting anything he can get his hands on into his mouth and is eating everything but peas and beans. No teeth yet but judging by the bucket loads of drool, they're coming!
Here's to another healthy and happy 6 months!!!:)
I can't believe it! That's such a good picture of him.
i freaking love him!
he is soooooooooooooooo cute.
i want to squish him.
luke hopes i dont visit right now!
Lorraine, you're scaring me!!!!!!!!!:) Hahahahahaha
Lorraine is just voicing what I feel every time I see him and you still trust me alone with him:))!HA it should be. Lucky you all. Try frozen peas. Grif and Tommy ate a lot of those (still do) and they help with teething.
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