First, I hope everyone is taking a moment to remember this day back in 2001 and everyone who was a victim of the attacks whether they lost their lives or just lost a loved one. Jeff and I both knew people who died in the World Trade Center...seems everyone knew someone who died or lost someone and we all shared that loss and the feelings surrounding that horrible day. I think we should all feel lucky that there have not been any attacks on the US since 9/11.
Now a GIGANTIC subject change...
Let me first start off by saying that I'm glad the person involved in this is
ok, a little shaken, but not injured.
Big excitement here last night! I came home after a day in Lebanon to find 2 firetrucks, an ambulance, and a police car in front of my house...luckily I had the heads up from my husband that nothing was wrong
inside our house but outside there was one overturned, very smashed up car! Seems someone missed the curve in the road, went straight across the driveway and into the ditch right smack in front of our house.
Big excitement in this tiny little town for a Wednesday night!
The funny thing is that we are now 2 for 2...we had a car crash into a tree in front of our old house in Belmont and now an accident in front of our new house! Think we may be destined to have one actually hit our house...guess we should only buy houses that sit pretty far back from the road!
Anyways, they towed the car away and the damage isn't anything that can't be fixed with some loam and grass seed. Matthew was a little shaken up but fine today. Worth a mention though...certainly not an everyday