Friday, July 18, 2008

Grammy & Grampa's

Since Jeff was off today we figured it was the perfect day for a trek up to Laconia to see Aunt Jamie and Renee's new house and take a dip at Grammy & Grampa's beach on Lake Opechee. Luke rode great in the car and Matthew had a blast in the lake. Here are some pics...

Matthew retrieving a golf ball from under the water

Not sure these are the intended passengers...
The cousins
Can't tell these two are brother and sister! Look how they are standing!!!!
Grammy and Grampa enjoying their new grandson


Ryan and Jenn said...

It looks like you all had a really nice time. The picture with Jeff and Jamie is so funny. They are totally related.

Mom of 3 Boys said...

i love the new family pic of the 4 of you on the right....