Friday, July 25, 2008

Blueberry Picking & Lounging

For some reason Matthew has been anxiously awaiting blueberry picking season...not sure why this is but he's been talking about it forever!! Funny how they get things in their heads! Anyways, after being rained out twice this week, we finally got a chance to go this morning...just Matthew and I. Was nice to have a chance to spend some quality alone time with him (thanks Heather for watching Luke). He had a great time and the picking was awesome. We also got a chance to see the goats and bring home some of Emery Farm's YUMMY cookies.

I'm also posting this picture of Luke...maybe it's the sleep deprivation but I think it's hilarious. He LOVES to sleep on the changing pad...seems to be his favorite place. Works out great for me since it's so he is lounging on the deck while big brother is swimming. If only it were acceptable for me to be doing this! Check out his arms...always has them over his head like this when he's asleep. I know I'm a little biased but I think this kid is pretty darn funny and super cute:)


Mom of 3 Boys said...

i love the baby arms over head....both mine did that too. so cute.

Ryan and Jenn said...

OMG!!! Yeah, he is the cutest thing ever. I can't wait to see you guys and to give some serious LOVE to my nephews.

The Wheeler Family said...

He is adorable!! We got blueberries at Emery this week as well, and they were yummy. Can't wait to meet our newest playgroup member in person!