I had a great time at UNH (and did a little studying too). I, like every other college student, didn't realize how easy things were and the changes we would go through once we were officially in the "Real World" but I wouldn't trade my life now for any of it.
So, Happy 10th UNH Class of 1998 and a big shout out to some of you that read my blog. Just for laughs, here are a few pictures from that day.
well that means my 10 year was last year. haha, wow!!!! but that also means i have been w korey for 10 years last year too!
i dont know what you mean about that comment? email me again ;)
I see I haven't grown.
you know, it's too bad that we didnt know each other at UNH. wouldnt it be funny to know if we had a class together or something? (not really an easy way to figure that out but...)
oh i dont know i can make it to playgroup on friday...want to get together before then? tues, wed, thur anytime after 11:20 (including anytime in afternoon)
hmmm your moving baby pic is now upside down! baby is going to get dizzy now!
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