There isn't another song out there that could come closer to summing up my life right now than this one (of course you'll need to change all the she/her to he/him). It talks about how fast kids grow up and lately it seems mine are growing faster and faster each day. I try to take the time to enjoy the phases they are in...good or bad. I remind myself on a daily basis not to wish the boys' childhood away...even after a long night of little sleep and lots of crying with a teething Luke, I remind myself to sit in the moment and enjoy being his everything. We all know that won't last.
The lines in this song that speak the loudest to me, though, are the ones about dropping off his daughter at preschool and having her cry. We all know that Matthew (still) has good drop offs and bad ones and like the song says..."some day you'll drop her off and she won't even know you're gone"....as much as it breaks my heart to hear his pitiful cries, I know this will be true of Matthew sooner than later as well and that hurts even more.
So, sorry to be all sappy and sentimental but I really wanted to share this song with my Mommy Friends and everyone else out there that I know will be able to relate...