We spent a long weekend in ME with my brother, sister-in-law and sister. It was so nice after 4 years to be together at the cottage for 4 consecutive days. Seems like since Ryan moved to NC 4 years ago our time together there is very limited and usually coupled with other events going on that make relaxing and enjoying it impossible. Before Ryan and Jenn moved we spent almost every weekend with them so it was a big change...feels good to have things returning to normal:)
We also took Matthew crabbing for the first time this weekend. He's not exactly brave and adventurous so it was no surprise that he wanted NO part of walking in the water, turning rocks over but he had a blast, as you'll see in the pictures doing his thing...

Running around the outside of the crabbing area was a lot more fun than walking in the freezing cold water!!

The real fun was chasing Daddy and later, Uncle Ryan on the bike...

Making Uncle Ryan do all the work...

and Daddy carry him seemed to be the best plan!

Our last trip to Maine with me looking like this! The next beach picture I'll have my arms full instead:)

Our trip to get ice cream...notice Matthew has none...poor kid's lactose intolerance makes this not so fun but we're lucky he's pretty adaptable and was happy sharing a lemonade with Mom and enjoying his lollipop...the special prize he won at the arcade!