Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Jamie's Wedding
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Happy 22nd!

Friday, July 24, 2009
Luke's 1st Birthday
Matthew's masterpiece (all his idea, I just did *most* of the gel work...he told me where and what!)

*Do not try this at home* This was a staged pic! I do NOT let Matthew push him around like this!!! Hahaha.
We had Luke's family party in at the cottage. Thank you to all that made the trip over. We even managed to have nice weather (something nearly impossible this summer). Luke got some really nice gifts and we are so grateful to have such wonderful families.

A little more my style:)

Yes, Luke is in fact, holding a toothbrush. Cake followed some outside time playing on the beach, in which my darling husband let Luke get completely soaked and covered in sand (keep in mind he WAS wearing an outfit that matched the decor but had to be changed...I know, I know not a big deal). So, I had to wash him up in the bathroom where he grabbed his toothbrush and under NO circumstances was he going to let me take it away!!

Not sure when he let go of it but as you can see, he hung onto it for awhile...
Despite being devastated that my baby is 1, we had a great time celebrating Luke's birthday and are so, so lucky to have such a happy, healthy boy. The finale? Nana's trip down this weekend...she missed the party but we're excited to see her on Sunday:)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8, 2008
I continue to try to wrap my mind around my baby turning one and I just cannot for the life of me believe how quickly this year has passed by. I have very mixed emotions about this birthday...so different from when Matthew turned 1! Then, I felt excited...this time, while I'm happy to be celebrating a year of having Luke in our lives and the joy and love he has brought us, I'm reminded of how fast time is passing by and that makes me really sad.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Thomas the Train and July 4th